User Behavior
How To Understand The Funnel

How To Understand The Funnel

Flowpoint provides a client-side script (JavaScript) which can be embedded through a <script> tag. Once loaded, the script collects granular user actions, such as website navigation, mouse clicks, page scrolling, tab switching etc. Flowpoint is then able to see when an user has started, completed or abandoned any flow point in his journey.

Flowpoint is also able to look for bad patterns in a user’s journey. It detects behavioral issues, such as confusion when scrolling up and down looking for something in particular, or frustration when clicking multiple times on the same website element which does nothing. By correlating users’ encountered problems with their flow analysis, Flowpoint is able highlight which website issues are the most impactful to your flows’ conversion rates.

Understanding the funnel

After you save your flow and there are at least some user sessions processed that are relevant for your flow, you will start seeing something like in the image below:

A screenshot of NexBook page. raw

This funnel analysis shows the traffic of your users through the flow you have created and more importantly in between each flowpoint it will highlight the issues that have occurred and their impact.

At the moment some of the issues we highlight are:

  • Lost focus – a user which is switching between tabs can trigger a "lost focus" behaviour issue
  • Page reload – if a user reloads the page. This action can be the reason of bad UX or a page not loading properly.
  • Rage click – If a customer is rage clicking (clicking multiple times on the same element) can be caused by elements which look like buttons but in reality they are not. This could generate confusion and frustration and usually this means users are leaving your website.
  • Confused scroll – If your content on a particular page is confusing, users might end up scrolling up and down multiple times without taking a proper action o taking an action too slow. Improving the content on the page can reduce the % of people getting confused, thus increasing the conversion rates.
  • Slow loads – A website loading slow is one of the main factors that drives users away. Detecting this and the reasons behind could save you a significant % of your users.
  • Back/forward navigation – navigating back and forth on a website is also sometimes triggered as a sign of confusion, as your users instead of moving through the website using the given navigation elements, they instead go back and forth using the browser arrows.
  • Technical errors – technical errors are also on the top of the list when it comes to issues driving customers away. Nowadays, with the advancements of technology and the multitude of devices and internet browsers is almost impossible to account for all the potential technical errors out there. However, being aware of the most impactful ones and fixing them as soon as possible is key in a fast moving scene.

More to be added soon