Getting Started
How to Configure Privacy Settings

How to Configure Privacy Settings

Disabling flowpoint

By default, Flowpoint is enabled to track each user that visits your website. However, there may be certain situations where you need to disable user tracking for specific users due to privacy concerns or if a particular user does not agree with your data protection agreement or terms of use.

Thankfully, disabling Flowpoint tracking for users is a simple process that can be done programmatically.

To do so, you can insert a specific line of code at load time, either after you have loaded the Flowpoint script or after the user has explicitly declined user tracking.

This will prevent Flowpoint from tracking any further user activity on your website:

window.flowpointDisabled = true;

User identification

By default, all Flowpoint sessions are anonymous. However, for a more accurate understanding and analysis of user activity on your website, it's recommended that you identify each user session.

Flowpoint offers a simple and effective way to identify user sessions through its API, which allows you to view and track user activity in real-time on your dashboard.

Although identifying user sessions is not mandatory, it can provide valuable insights and help you make more informed decisions about how to optimize your website's performance.

window.flowpointIdentity = {
          id: your_app_user_id,
          mail: your_user_mail

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